POWERBIM Pilot Project


Year: 2018  |  Client: PINEARQ | Hospital del Mar
Firms: Sens Solutions | Nearby Sensor

Autodesk Forge
IoT Development
Power BI


DIN2BIM is an app created by PINEARQ in collaboration with BIM6D Consulting, Nearby Sensor and SenSolutions, for Hospital del Mar in Barcelone.

Hospital del Mar in Barcelone is a Healthcare facility in use, in there a group of sensors with IOT functionality have been installed, getting data in streaming (real time). From asset management, analysis and visualization of the streaming data of these sensors, together with the management for component data for Facility Management, connected to the BIM digital model prepared for COBie (international classification standard for construction asset management for components and equipment for operational and maintenance purposes, using BIM methodology), all managed by DIN2BIM.

The role of BIM6D has been essential to reach the current result, which has been implemented directly and actively from the conception of the idea for the application, and part of app development, using the latest BIM technologies and developments applied to data management and visualization linked to components.

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